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Sharing Content from Zoomifier

Recalling & Expiring Content Sent from Zoomifier

Sharing Content Link from Zoomifier

Sending Content from Zoomifier via Email

Sharing Content via the Cart

Organizing Content in the Digital Library

Creating & Editing Folders

Deleting Content

PPTs to CustomShow

Moving CustomShows between Tenants

Downloading CustomShow for Offline Presenting

Presenting CustomShows using iPad app

Presenting CustomShows using Desktop app

Presenting CustomShows using Mobile app

Color Palettes

Creating a Color Palette

Making a Color Palette Available to All Users

Presentation Settings

Creating a Presentation

Slide Elements







HTML Objects

Panoramic Content

Special Element Manipulations

Building in Elements

Animating Charts & Graphs

Adding Gradients to Shapes

Formatting Text

Bullet Points

Merging Table Cells

Trimming & Cutting Videos

Appearance Manipulation

Cropping Images

Cropping Video

Adding Stroke and Shadow

Hosting A Simulcast

Starting an Instant Meeting

Scheduling a Meeting

Sharing Simulcast Meeting Invites

Adding Multiple Hosts to Simulcast Meeting

Controlling Your Audience

Presenting Content in Simulcast

Sharing Your Screen in Simulcast

Recording Your Meeting

Presentation Setup

Using Simulcast For In-Person Presentations

Using Simulcast for Hybrid Presentations

Using Simulcast for Remote Presentations


Common Issues and How to Address Them


  1. Narratives are a game-changer when it comes to sales engagement.
  2. Communicate the value of your offering.
  3. Use this to Recap or Summarize your meeting.
  4. Get valuable Facetime with Busy Clients.
  5. Using narratives, you can simultaneously record your screen, camera, and Any content you need to share with your audience. 
  6. Use Narratives when you want to talk, present and explain information rather than sending it on an email or through a link which is an unguided experience.
  7. Share your expertise with your personal touch by making a Video of the boring and long documents.


Recording Narratives

Sharing your screen while recording a Narrative

Sharing multiple pieces of content in one Narrative

Editing your Narrative

Downloading your Narrative

Recording Narratives

Editing a Narrative

Tips on sharing screen

Adding Contacts into Zoomifier

Importing Contacts from CSV

Adding Contacts Manually

Adding Contacts from Zoomifier Content

Automatically Adding Contacts from a Webpage

Contact Details

Editing Contact Details

Overview of Contact Profile

Filtering Contacts


Creating Companies & Assigning Contacts to Companies


Creating Opportunities

Configuring Your Sales Pipeline

Content Analytics

Contact Analytics

Analytics Dashboard

Automated Customer Journeys

Email Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Physical & Print Marketing

Book Free Consultation

Sales Enablement Content Audit



"For your interest in Sales Enablement Content Audit. We will follow up within one business day to schedule a time for the audit."